Carmen Dolores (1924-2021) became known at the age of 14, at the microphone of Radio Sonora, owned by Mr. Lacombe Neves, which operated at rua Morais Soares street, in Lisbon. She said in her memoirs, published in 1984, "the amateur stations asked for help. Anyone could present their programme and try their luck as a performer, singing, playing, reciting poetry, acting". Her brother had presented a fortnightly recital, with singing, recitation, piano and short dialogues. He had a good tenor voice, his wife played classical music solos on the piano, the future great actress "recited verses learnt at the Seleta". And the three of them interpreted dialogues.
On the radio at that time, there were also "the contests, rushing to the telephone to be the first to answer, I think the only prize was to say our names, which was already an honour! On Sundays, the big thrill: the children's broadcasts of Tic-Tac and Senhor Doutor, the two children's shows in vogue. Uncle Luís, Castelo, Cosme, Jorge Alves, Mimi Extremadouro, Milu".
Original text with images, at
Autor: Rogério Santos, 2021.