In 1959, Luís Filipe Costa stood out as a newscaster, accompanied by Tany Belo (Maria Albertina da Silva Belo da Costa, 1931-1974) and the technician Alberto Seabra. As a result of this, a very close relationship was born between the APA news (Jornal da APA, 19:30-20:10), for which Luís Filipe Costa was responsible, and his later management of the station's news (1961). The marriage of Luís Filipe Costa and Tany Belo produced one son.
The first experience with the microphone didn't always work out well, as the announcer acknowledged, having debuted at the age of 16 on Rádio Universidade (Radio University). Shortly after, she started working as a professional announcer of the APA pastimes, at the Éden theatre. This was a variety show, with new singers and competitions, then broadcast on radio and supported by advertising. "Sensibility, good voice and culture" were the fundamental ingredients for an announcer, according to Tany Belo. In 1959, in Rádio Clube Português. António Miguel, Armando Marques Ferreira, Edite Maria, Julieta Fernandes, António Revés and Tany Belo made up the first team of the Meia-Noite programme. Tany Belo preferred direct and improvised announcing, because it gave her the feeling of communicating spontaneously with the listeners.
She combined that activity with working as an announcer for advertising, in light theatre. She had started out in revue theatre, and in the film Vendaval Maravilhoso (by José Leitão de Barros, 1949, based on a novel by Jorge Amado), about the life of the Brazilian poet Castro Alves, who fought for the abolition of the slavery of black people, and his romance with the Portuguese actress Eugénia Câmara, who was played by Amália Rodrigues. The film would suffer many censorship cuts due to its topic.
Her programmes in 1967 were Clube do Disco (Rádio Clube Português, Porto, from 3:30pm to 3:58pm), Rádio Jornal (Rádio Clube Português, from 7:30pm to 8pm, every day on medium wave), Banda Sonora (Rádio Clube Português, from 1am to 2pm on FM) and A Noite é Nossa (Rádio Clube Português, from 3pm to 6am), Ruy Castelar's programme that had taken over from Sintonia 64. She was, in 1968, one of the female voices of Produções Carrocel. Tany Belo was also an announcer for Rádio Renascença and she ran an advice column in Plateia magazine for years. Clube do Disco was a programme that attributed identification cards to the listeners, lapel pins and proposed to send records to any part of the world, a difficult task at that time. The announcer passed away in January 1974.
Author: Rogério Santos, 2022