
Second BiPE’s International Conference “Radio Soundscapes in
(Post)colonial Settings”
(7 th -8 th July 2022)

Nelson Ribeiro edited the latest issue of the Journal of Radio & Audio Media (29, No 1)
‘Broadcasting in the Portuguese Empire: Nationalism, Colonialism, Identity’ (BiPE) is a research project based in the Research Center for Communication and Culture (CECC) and it aims to contribute to scholarship on Media, Empires and Colonialisms, namely through an interdisciplinary research approach that intersects the history of broadcasting with the history of the late Portuguese colonialism. One of the research goals is to understand the extent to which radio, as a new electronic medium of the first half of the 20th century, contributed to bolster and construct national and imperial identities across the territories of the Portuguese colonial empire.

CECC - Centro de Comunicação e Cultura
Palma de Cima 1649-023 Lisboa - Portugal
(+351) 217 214 000